
cnn ely sank into fighti

Wear, today is no exception.In the deepest place of Yuan of this crime, seem some people is fighting.
The weapon bumps shot and miserably shouts continuously spread, also don't stop to mix up with a two confabulations of voice.This unexpectedly orotund Hong is bright, and not not urgently slow, seem to be in the moment and basically isn't a battlefield, but pleasure ground.
"Is long, these lizard how his mama is so many, the An all at least polishes off minimal had more than tens, but scanned widely in the past, still so many!"A light wears arm and holdses a pair of knives, the brain hangs an only horny young tiger form behind big fellow part one knife chop down descend a head of try to make a surprise attack his/her own black underground despicable skull, simultaneously scold of embrace arm to stand to one he stretches hand,cnn, very whole with smoking of Xia of the big fellow talk.
"Did the Zha ground, the old Ma, can not hold against?Want to be not you Xie meeting I?"He after death an outlooking is handsome, stay Mo Xi Gan type chicken the hat grow of big fellow, mischievous rightness of the old Mases are crowded crowded eye, tease a way.
"Pei, go to you big Ye of, sundae you bastard, unexpectedly despise an elder brother,Facebook, wait a meeting the elder brother finish killing lizard, Lao Tze's flying that is small you white face to spending can not."Old Ma mercilessly Pei 1.
"Pei!You big Ye of!Lao Tze calculates a fart ground small white face, you have never seen Sa thin that than the Niangs does the even beautiful decuple , not, is 10000% faces?That just calls small white face!Have ability you to spend him!"Sundae also the Pei of not resigned to playing second fiddle return to.
"Mama of, Lao Tze just doesn't go, that face is too fine, and the elder brother is ashamed to start!Ha ha ha ……"old Ma overbearing cachinnation.
"***, My seeing you are to don't dare to go!We west Chu in addition to being long, have no a person is a somebody else ground opponent.Your Ya went to and pointed uncertain who spend who!"Saying of sundae despise.
"Hold.You dare to despise me.Doesn't the letter believe me now and then seek Ya to stand ground to have a competition?"
"Go to.Lao Tze waits to see.Afraid that you don't dare."
"Depend.The hairiness ground doesn't dare!"
"Dare go to!"
"Go to go to.However is exactly nervous juncture now.The small white face explored the way.It is not here.Wait he to come back Lao Tze to go again."
"Slice.I know that you are getting more afraid!Still seek what to lend!"
"Your his mama just feared!"
"Your Ya is getting more afraid!"
"I am afraid you ……"
"Shut up for Lao Tze!"
Two people more say it's more noisy, seeing will greatly get up and embrace the arm smokes of big fellow eyebrows a wrinkly, suddenly and violently drink a , immediately frighten two people maintain a discreet silence.
"***, This black seven numb black Lao Tzeses are originally not great, returned his mama to run into monsters.Still dislike Lao Tze not enough vexed is be not?Your two bastards, don't fight every day a his mama don't know to eliminate to stop."Smoke big fellow, stare a cow eye Xun two, then a clap the head of sundae:"The sundae goes and seek thin Luo of Sa Si road Chi, paralyze of, place often come to often go toward, unexpectedly also his mama will get lost, this idiocy, light his mama live a face."
"BE!"The sundae Pa ground beat 1 to sign just and went a military salute, then away and disappear drilled into a dark inside and ran don't copy.
These people, the nature is to be subjected to Er D generalissimo to appoint and come song 1 line in Chu sky of the salvation"stray lamb" according to the west.
Three days ago, although the west Chu's prince adult would not like to, but still have a wife for the sake of own compatriot, or unwillingly promised to rescue own cheap big elder brother Jiu.
Connect down is busy at the very dark preparation work, because passage in the time and space opened quickly, for leaving the Si to Li Bei and saving back before the passage opens, the owner keeps up with full the Xian is similar, the not only second horse pulls and depends on the west Er D husband and wife, connect how see Chu song how for sky with a revolting feeling Sa thin Luo Si be all assigned a super rank that hunts and kills and puts and keeps evil monster, harvested the work of super rank crystal pit, everybody favour the ground is very dark.
Song in Chu sky is the atest leisure, but is also the most painful 1, depend on west Er D the generalissimo expended a crystal pit of super rank of 12s to create a small scaled transmission method, make the Dai receiving Garden of Eden from the another place, a parents and children authenticates a book and confirmed according to west the Er D is this fact of old Chu sky song father-in-law.Then song in Chu sky too late regrets, be depended on west Er D the generalissimo and second Ma La pulled to walk and promoted Chu song for sky of real strenght.
Song in Chu sky how don't also thought of, depend on west Er D the generalissimo unexpectedly still reserve in those early years card card Luo the master's body especially, but he of so had confidence to raise Chu right away song for sky of etc. rank, actually be want to give Chu the song to come to a "infuse a crest" for sky!Don't know to depend on the west Er D as well the generalissimo was used what means, card card Luo especially inside the master's body, unexpectedly still reserve strong have no reading of power energy.
The process that the real strenght promotes is disastrous, need not give unnecessary details one by one, anyway a words, if isn't song in Chu sky to have the half deathless body, estimate early at strong have no ground energy of was supported to explode 800 times in the infusion process.
But the advantage is also obvious, song deep slumber in Chu sky two after day and night waking up, finally make the aureole of whole body changing the body fusion at became to fill Ya Zu Jin together and successfully Dou absolute being is just.And clasp Buddha's feet ground to follow to depend on at the time west Er D the old father-in-law learned two kind incomparable skills, how speak to read power to outside put an attack and how use to read power to make oneself fly!
Have to say, under the reference that is strong the power for having no reading of prop up under, and at Luo of card card especially master leave all of the grounds to retire to be like, song in Chu sky unexpectedly and easily learned if if the arm makes the usage of read power.Is in fact positive with song in Chu sky think ground so, read power really is more similar than inside the dint thing like this, a 100, as long as controling essence, soon can learn.
Three the weather turn to namely die in a sudden, song in Chu sky left unwilling to part Dai, be dressed in the old father-in-law presents of the royal crown thorn fight A, all war absolute being wearing very second Ma La to gather together to together untie to seal to print are four sets, Chuai rise saint beetle, lead drive silver base war AN in full battle array of the bandits, then resent in the Lei Ji Nuo You of vision in, escaped to similarly step in to depend on west Er D the generalissimo is used a crystal pit of super rank of the energy develop a ground of time dollar door and got into crime of the underground world in the Yuan.
At Sa thin Luo Si of strong have next request, the fresh breeze traveled a few super thief's thiefs of regiment to become a public guide.Sa thin Luo Si is the frequent caller of underground world, once led because various reason trapped at the underground ground match person and Kun especially especially the person still had numerous artificial human race clans and resisted be stayed various clan of the underground world of Si control by Li Bei for numerous years, so Sa thin Luo Si said is a half the soil Zhao of the underground world canned be also.
Airtight Si cloth in the headquarter that resists influence in the underground pulls to reach, song in Chu sky experienced numerous races in the transmissions, this city was that underground world is all to resist influence of in command of department place, in the world wars in those early years all disappeared races, almost can see here.
Die person, snake person, turtle person and Ji person, Dou person and Titan ……only have you surprisingly, didn't see not to arrive, song in Chu sky even here now gnat the figure of the person and cockroach person.
Li Bei stayed Si to gather more than 100,000 grounds of troops, vastly and mightily of start opening toward the place of the passage of time and space, but on stepping to have the knot boundary the airtight Si cloth of protection to pull to reach city, immediately encountered the crary attack of race in the underground world, see to Li Bei stay Si already now song in Chu sky wait the person's movements.
After fighting to start, immediately sank into fighting of vehemence to kill, though song one party in Chu sky is the race of 100,000 Gang tile strongest Nas, but the race of underground world isn't a kind Chi either, and because Li Bei stays Si ground to brainwash a control, these people fight basically and not and desperately, completely is a suicide type aggression.The amount made up quality, song in Chu sky waited person to fall into bitter struggle,google, can not go forward
Afterwards true can't, song in Chu sky had to leave overwhelming majority Long Ya's bandit, take ascend Rui Si and Moroccan two battalion regimentses of positive pair chief, also have Ma Si and holy land second elder brother's two big personal guard's members, with difficulty once avoided numerous enemies under leading of thin Luo Si, on going 6 people to cross path in the Sa, arrived passage location in the time and space.
But what to have never thought BE, here but is a fierce beasts underground dwelling for rest of black Xi Related articles:

