
Beats by Dr Dre Pro s suddenly ha ha a s

Each bosom of chapter 353 evil plot
To say Lyu Fan originally don't think to Chengdu this time, anotherly don't say, main male Sun Jian this just just Duo the greater half of Luo's sun river east, who know Luo sun in the mind that fire suppressed or not live?He is Sun Jian's emissary to arrive at Chengdu, this is unequal to is send to sheep to go into dangerous spot?However Zhang Zhao from sons in Wu Jun Zhang's house just going and living with under Sun Jian Zhang recently is to offer suggestion to Sun Jian, what Luo sun marries a girl is a big fellow princess!Sun Jian now still man minister, should send a person to left for to offer congratulation, helpless under, Lyu Fan also only a load of this time dangerous layer after layer mission.
But similar to the emissary sent by other various Hous, Lyu Fan comes to the task of Chengdu this time, the of course not just offered congratulation for Luo's sun greatly marrying.In times before Sun Jian's eldest son Sun Ce and week different son week Yu 2 people marry Qie for same days and marry is a Lu is the well-known scholar Joe's country two old daughters of river.Can have never thought to wait for several days, but is the troops with never seen to send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home back!What parties sends a party to escort the bride to the groom's homes is Sun Jian's younger brother, Sun Jing, and the good friend Lu of the week Yu Su, is also together with send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home troops to together be missing!Although after the event Sun Ce around sought for 12 months,still didn't find out some clues at the river of Lu!For this, Sun Jian starts doubting is not drive the person of other influences to grasp to, but as for object that first doubt, be just and Sun Jian made to turn over of Luo's sun.So Lyu Fan comes to the main task of Chengdu this time, is the whereabouts that wants to fish for Sun Jing, Lu Su and those two brides, see whether really fell into the hand of Luo's sun!
The sphere of influence that just got into Luo's sun of time, Lyu Fan still really had some to worry, however have never thought this Luo's sun is to don't begin to them, is just those troops and horses attitude that greeted up a bit not so good just.Since had no in danger, that nature Fan was about to start carrying out he or she's task.These several days of Chengdu, Lyu Fan hasn't found out what clues, however Luo's sun greatly marry, is exactly the last opportunity today, if again don't find out what clues of words, Lyu Fan also only has no achievement but return.
Lowered the head to close lightly an one mouthful wine, Lyu Fan's eyes those are happy in the hall the force drinking will in the center sweep 1 time, can done in complete secrecily rob to send a party to escort the bride to the groom's home a troops in Sun Jian's sphere of influence, if is really Luo what the person of the sun under charge do, that certain and this force in the hall will relevant!However this Luo sun under charge severe force will but Be getting tooer many, none of Lyu Fan knows should who body up begin first.
On ringing out voice suddenly, but is to get a fright Lyu Fan, luckily Lyu Fan's disposition is quite good, otherwise, must be frightenned wine cup to fall off.Become overdo to hope to one side, but is to at the right moment see a middle age man just and smilingly looking at himself/herself, still carry one cup wine in the hand.This person Lyu Fan but is recognize, similar to oneself, is exactly the emissary that male Sun Zan who just ascended an of the You state sting history sends, Lyu Fan also remembers, the this person name was called Jian Yong!Just don't know that he suddenly walks to he's in front to make very?
Jian Yong smiles happily ground to carry wine cup and directly would was to sit down and raise wine cup, would be to do a signal for pleasing to Lyu Fan and say with smile at nearby kneeling of Lyu Fan:"Adult!Today is eastern lord Luo to make gentleman wedding day, is adult why the need for thus silent?Come to come!Come to drink one cup!At under respect adult!The adult pleases!"Say, Jian Yong woulded be an one mouthful to give° the wine in cup to drin clean.
Jian Yong comes to toast, Lyu Fan's of course not dare lose gift number, just started to carry wine cup, this just discover in the cup have no wine, again is fluster the ground give°ed the wine to pour a full cup of, this just raised wine cup to towarded Jian Yong Yi respect, then quaff in one gulp.See Lyu Fan drink, the smiling face on Jian Yong Lian that was more and more brilliant, smiled to say to Lyu Fan:"Adult!Frankly speaking, at under also really don't thought of, Sun Shi Jun unexpectedly also sends emissary to come to take part in the gift of great marriage that Luo makes a gentleman!"
Just swallowed wine bottom, listen to Jian Yong so on saying, Lyu Fan almost has no Qiang.The meaning of the this Chien Yong words inside, Lyu Fan certainly understand, wasn't Sun Jian to rob the affair of the sun river's east of Luo before saying!However, even somebody else's Luo's sun didn't dispute in this time what, you far at male Sun Zan's emissary blind Chan of You state what?Lyu Fan smiles a bit embarrassedly and saw one eye Jian Yong, say:"Adult Chien joked!Luo makes the gentleman is the pillars of country, again is with long the princess greatly marry, my house lord male is man minister, the loyal how could doesn't send a ginseng to add this for the country great marriage?"
"Ha ha!Say also yes!"Jian Yong ha ha on smiling, flash across in eye one silk difficult to express ray of light, this kind of lends even if is 3-year-old children all not necessarily so can cheat lead, Jian Yong since can become male Sun Zan's emissary, and then is a simpleton?Lyu Fan's pouring doesn't hope this leasing as well can make Jian Yong believe, however also just a parlance just, however Lyu Fan believes, Jian Yong affirmation is another have been already schemed,Beats by Dr Dre Pro!Indeed as expected, Jian Yong continues to say:"One heart of Sun Shi Jun for the country, the world person all knows!Equally, my house's lord Mr. is also similar to want to for the country lift a hand to!The You state is located in very northern ground of, my house lord male is a You state to stab a history, and then not and very lead troops to go down south without authorization, there are a lot of affairs, also need to depend on Sun Shi Jun!"
Jian Yong this words fall in Lyu Fan's ear, but is let once Lyu Fan's eyebrows subconscious ground pick and seem some meanings that understand Jian Yong.Turn an eye, Lyu Fan before of embarrassed color the dissipation must smile to say to Jian Yong without a trace:"Should!Should!Everyone is a minister of man, all want to render service for the imperial government naturally be, this is the duty!Ha ha!Come!Adult Chien!At under again respect adult one cup!"Finish saying, Lyu Fan woulds be to pour a full cup of a wine for 2 people's empty wine cup, roared with laughter ground to raise his/her own wine cup and respected to Jian Yong Yi.
And Jian Yong is also ha ha on smiling, start to carry wine cup, say with smile:"So, wish us to with one mind join force, totally hand man room!"Finish saying, 2 people would are to finish drinking wine in cup at the same time and immediately and mutually see but smile.
Their 2 people this smiles, but is also before always at stare at the Dian Wei sees of the emissary of Yuan Shao meet Ji to get a fright, return overdo on seeing, see is Lyu Fan and Jian Yong Liang people, meet Ji's eyebrows a wrinkly, the in the mind seems to realize a bit far from good.Meet Ji this time come to the purpose of Chengdu, but is to receive the life of Yuan Shao, see can the sun under charge dug to a few talented persons, but met Ji to first favor from Luo of, the nature is to rush the black general Dian of the He prestige of a He under pass in the tiger prison Wei!
Want to buy Dian Wei, meet natural first essentials of Ji to clear up the favour of this Dian Wei is what, after he arrive at Chengdu, have already sent many attendants to keep watch on Dian Wei.But the result is to let to meet Ji disappointed, this Dian Wei at ordinary times didn't distinguish with a complete mystery, everyday is to know to train soldiers, do force, even live to all live in the army camp.Namely don't like money, also seem to the power and influence interest in the nothing important, even the women have never seen him to once touch!This lets to meet Ji some doubts even, is this Dian Wei a woman who is covered with man's outward appearance?
For meet Ji to say, the Dian Wei is like an egg that didn't sew, let to meet Ji to have no basically from start.Wanted to once change an object, can time also too late, if can not complete lord the task set out by Mr., meet Ji not to dare to imagine to wait he to return to hope state to go to, meeting face lord male what kind of punishment!
But this Luo's sun greatly marry of wedding dinner up, that but give to meet the last Ji opportunity, so from beginning to end, meet Jis to all die the hopeless situation stare at Dian Wei to see and want to see Dian Wei to be exactly some what habit can make use of!
Just drive flank the puzzling laughter of Jian Yong and Lyu fans to bother, met Ji malicious stared their 2 people of one eye is again to become overdo and continued to hope to Dian Wei.But even now, sit at meet an another part of Ji of a man but is to slowly close to meet Ji, silently the voice says:"Meet adult, you not curious at all, what are they exactly saying?"
Meet Ji to turn once the head see, recognize an other party but is the emissary that the Cao holds a sent Liu Ye.This Liu Ye is a man room clan relatives, grow a princess this time great marriage, the Cao hold to send him, is also a just right.
At world of all various Hous, perhaps even if the Cao holds the deepest with the friendship of of Yuan Shao, so as 2 people's emissary, meet the relation between Ji and Liu Ye to also be regarded as quite good.See Liu Ye talk and meet Ji also not ignore, only toward Liu Ye to say with smile:"Adult Liu, this, this talks what idea?"
Liu Ye is light on smiling, say:"Meet adult, I heard that male Sun Zan to kill Liu Bo An, Be lined up soldiers to You state and hope a cantonal boundary on, the Yuan make gentleman at 1:00 also not worry that Mr. will Sun Zan go down south to invade?"
"E!"Listen to Liu Ye so on saying, meet Ji not from get one Leng, subconscious ground would be to turn a head to hope to is just saying to smile with Lyu Fan of Jian Yong, see a long time, this just return overdo say with smile:"Ha ha ha ha!Adult Liu joked!Male adult is the member who begged for Tung's alliance in those early years, lord in my house Mr. but is a leader of alliance, Mr. adult again will to lord in my house owned by public what irregular idea?Even if is male adult to want to go down south, my house is main Mr. the debt descend crack troops strong isn't a decoration either that!"
"Ha ha!"Liu Ye slightly Le Le beard, light smiled to smile, say:"If the words that is really such, that good!I once heard that male Sun Zan Zhang's bottom to have white Ma Yi is from the battalion, extremely violent, more and male Sun Zan launched troops an old way, if the Yuan made the gentleman could not hold up Mr. Sun Zan's battalion, that connect down to want to suffer calamities of, be my house lord Mr.!"
Meet Ji's eyes one Mi, certainly understand Liu Ye's meaning, however he just a little deliberated a short moment, is have no drive Liu Ye's a few words spoken said gain and loss proper restraint, but say with smile:"Certainly!As long as lord in my house is male at hope state on the first, the Cao makes the gentleman can sleep peacefully to take down green state, this fat meat without the sorrow ground!Just, adult Liu can remind that the Cao makes a gentleman after returning to, south but have the head the tiger that will bite a person!"
Liu Ye didn't immediately after keep on saying, but squinted Jing to looking at to meet Ji, meet Ji don't talk as well, tightly stare at Liu Ye's eyes, 2 people saw a long time so mutually, but is suddenly ha ha a smile.Liu Ye pickeds up to put on the dinner plate of a mow meat penknife, will meet an argali meat of Ji's in front to mow a half, pass to meet Ji, leave half but was oneself to carry to, and then sit to return to own seat.Meet Ji also and have no again to say more what, continue to turn head to stare at Dian Wei.
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