
www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com his runt is the soil

No problem.
Lightly noded to see for a while circumferential environment, cloud English light tone way:"Make you worried, I am very good, just the power hasn't completely resumed.See to my purpose at last reach a half, the power is inhibitted, in a short time need not worry to fly to rise of affair.Here is where?"
"I don't know as well, is what they deliver us and seem a maze.The somebody else is worried about you, so has never dared to explore the way."Wood You the orchid and cloud English station start to return the lovely pagoda to him, after all only then he can develop the biggest power of lovely pagoda, also only he just can let lovely pagoda in the shortest time inside resume to come over.
"Zhi Zhi" a slight voice waked up with a start 2 people, at their foot a gold color of amiability the little monkey is just slanting cerebellum bag to looking at cloud English.
"This is""soil Jing!"Two people immediately get to conclude a theory, is this it cloud English that just cost a lot of soils Jings that the energies accomplish?At present earned, not only dissolved huge soil to fasten spiritual influence's injury for lovely pagoda, made use of soil to fasten to work properly a dint help to improve physical endowment by himself/herself, also accomplish a soil Jing for modeling, and this small soil Jing seems very divertive appearance.
The small soil Jing leaps to jump of pointing and pointing anterior passage, jumped up a while the shoulder of cloud English, only the soil Jing of palm sort size stretched out a small tongue to lick the face of licking cloud English, yelling of"Zhi Zhi"."Husband, what did it just is saying?"Know cloud English masters in monster language, particularly the language that works properly monster and absolute being monster, evil monster, the wood You orchid immediately and curiously asked out.
"This runt is the soil Jing that I just accomplished, it wants to follow us.Here is they create out of a huge underground palace, the runt says before have a thing, is that thing to control them, they can not leave here, and attackstone all ingoingly living to work properly."The soil of surroundings' fastenning spiritual influence is no longer so arrogant, the elegance of on the contrary some breezes, this felling makes cloud English very comfortable.
"Can't the meeting forbid to make a Jing soul?"The wood You orchid immediately thoughted of a problem, can control the soil Jing that didn't model to demolish everything into here of living to work properly, also only the the evil fairy that forbade to make here would next reach order like this.
Cloud English sinks a track:"There are 80% of the possibilities, the outer circle contains strong soil spiritual influence, on the contrary little here some, the can explain to control here of forbiding and making the Jing soul isn't a soil attribute.We go in to have a look, the runt seems to be already to no longer fear here of dominate."
The wood You orchid joys is happy pleased of embrace small soil Jing at the bosom in a soft voice way:"Husband don't take a name for it?Be called what good?"
Call a word?Cloud English a burst of wry smile, call be not print for it last 1 print to record, it have been the pet of oneself et al since today.Cloud livings a monster small black is so, god of fire monster Chan cat in sky is also so, look the small soil Jing of this wretchedness also ineluctable become three female the toy of the under charge.However as long as they like, oneself still can attain of, three females are all own baby even if want to have a look in the moon, cloud English can't hesitate, either, after all also not is have never gone up, result not just because of Xu Ying, charmingly feminine with You orchid together the voice said to what stuff and came back.A barren soil ball, really have no divertive, however the yonder light can be really very ample, cloud English successively in my self-discipline feel very good several times.But like most of but is 100 insides burning, unfortunately he didn't go up alone of real strenght, would not° until depend on the strength of cloud English go each time, so now cloud English is some frightened see 100 inside burning,beats by dre solo, because of he already game last month ball habit.
" Call it small soil Jing, after all here of model of the soil Jing only have it 1."Cloud English irresponsiblely says, his attention has already been drawn on by this huge underground palace, two guide lines that person follows small soil Jing shuttle in a passage, the neat and spacious big way the slightest cans not sees clearly here is underground.Surroundings some strange rocks at darkly in send forth light ray of light, let them good see the environment of pure surroundings, all of two people are a skieses, the superior of Class darkly isn't very big to their influence, but here originally be small soil Jings created of, nature to here clearly.
Two personal speed is the quickest, under the expert's guide line a short moment time is to the front of a huge door, that is an aureate front door, the top is full to is a strange monster line, always at wood You orchid and cloud English shoulders up the small soil Jing jumping around also peeped out a very strange station of careful facial expression in cloud English shoulders at the moment.Was this back of the front door the place that they want to seek, forbade to make a Jing soul right here to wait them.
Although those soil Jings are under the yoke of it is obeyed orders to it, be not sincerely want to help it, oneself at least shoulders up this be not, it is what things to can control so many soil Jings exactly.Want to know the natural spirit extremely has a passion for a freedom, they want to get most of be freedom, unless they can own feelings, can excel their instinct characteristic of feelings.Is like a sky, god of fire monster will because oneself works properly for its fairy of the dint in every possible way depend on to he or she, with as for isn't willing to give up to leave.But the small soil Jing of in front, beyond all doubt was appreciating oneself to cost so over-sensitive blood and power to help the evolution that it completes an end!The fairy works properly of the dint isn't the strength of the secular world, strength flow cloud English inside its body, the Lao descended printing of cloud English record, this can't change forever.
"Zhi Ga-" door opened!

Chapter 17 settles star absolute being dish

"Welcome you to my palace, the friend of afar!"A loud and clear voice fore the noodles rings out, comprehensiveness of palace inside the strong breeze work properly dint right against the face, a thing of huge compass shape is flickering to give out light.
"Settle star dish!"A name blurts out, wood You the orchid is a bit surprised to looking at in front that hugely settles star dish, it should is this appearance just to, under the normal status of settle star dish to only have palm size.Settling the star dish is can with constringency from such as, the biggest time can three mountains five Yue any one press an underground to go, but at the moment this is about one settling of Zhang star dish in height to send forth to let people aren't very comfortable ray of lights.
Settle star dish in spread of still keep being that voice:"Good knowledge, can recognize my person of in the world here have been only a few, really having never thoughting you will recognize out me.If is a boundary in sky, I pour not how surprising, can is the site that works properly boundary here, and you are also just common of the friar is just.Although is very strange, I still very happy can see you, you is this several thousand in the last yearses are unique to see my person.Little girl, you is how recognize I?"
The wood You orchid light tone way:"This is what previous incarnation memory tells me, my previous incarnation once saw your picture, and listenned to the appearance and power that he once say you, so would recognize out you.Boundary territory in the sky is broad and limitless and boundless, more have for 18 days, territory is too subtle to be described, and the complicated star road is even if a gold fairy to can not literally rush indiscriminately, either.Hence the mentally dense absolute being gentleman exhausts them together with a few dishes that was together profound power sovereign to create three side to settle a star of the dint expended the times in ten thousand years to make to bag not to know how much galaxy of settle star dish.These settle star dish up of the galaxies are even if thous fairies, last fairy in ten thousand years inside also is not likely to walk to the limit.But mentally dense absolute being gentleman they have never completed these to settle star dish, the fairy was evil to fight and then started, the mentally dense absolute being gentleman settled these three side strongly the star dish hand over to three up fairy, let them command the fairy soldier's fairy will with evil fairy war, and once occupied absolute advantage.What then, there are several superior with extremely outstandings in the evil fairy, they simply exterminated a fairyland troops with the Qu of flesh and blood and killed that to rend away a side to settle star dish up the fairy."
"The mentally dense absolute being gentleman on the other hand leads fairy and evil fairy of freak ghost clan to resist, the part orderanies under charge according to settle the star dish created to have the tool galaxy that position the star road compass, the this kind of tool in aid of fairy identifies star road, but he doesn't have offensiveness, also incompletely.Up only have for count not much several thousands of main stars, it Related articles:

