
cheap beats by dre megalith into room s

Chapter 521 blood clan territory
Have flaring seven clouds of many colors regimentses on the head, have no place not at, make here of shining not a problem, even in, more than even clear Zhai in the earth's surface world.
On the ground, strange flower difference grass all over the place, a strange of Mo with!The plant of form such as house similar size, various different monsters that have never seen in the earth's surface world, at carry son calmness of foolish, be all not afraid of to living at 1:00.
Is a piece of piece of flaring rock, radiant and extremely keen, spread all over in each corner, these rocks are all very big, similar to the house size, each difference of shape, have of natural formed monster flower and grass of shape, give person a kind of felling that is full of thriving source of vitality.
The plant flower and grass here color doesn't flee colorful, red, green and purple etc. color, as if the best coating is similar, peaceful pure.
A river flows to wind around to spread, such as long the snake Be similar to distribute, those Cheng clean river water don't have some impurities, an eye can hope an inside of fingerling.
This is a seem existence in imagination of fantasyland, so of beauty, so clean, seem to be never be subjected to dirty of some material life.
Isn't only this, the spiritual influence here is also very heavy, various world strength curl up in the sky of cloud regiment in, person is here, as long as breathe a few fresh airs, then will feel free of mind and happy of heart.
"Do not urgently wear surprise first, although this center of earth world is beautiful,we still keep resuming the strength in the body first first."The small Han reminded a , then silently sat down, the chair is from that article mineral inside adopt of a cake of the large dollar Be crystal to take out, at carry a son beginning to resume inside the body of have no dint.The fire Feng didn't talk and also so did.
The Ji vast sky has no so big-hearted, he is many mind's eye, let out bones dry skeleton, to it spread after a Xun read, this just sit down come the dollar that the dollar in the mustard seed bag is crystal to take out one big piece, start silently resuming Jing in the body.Time quickly passes.
Also not realized mistake how long, the Ji vast sky initiative waked up and fixed for is most of he, the speed resuming compares very quickly ascend some, wait until him and discover fire Feng and small Han remain after silent self-discipline, also not disturb, take a bones dry skeleton beginning to bum in this world.
This is the strange world in the stars center of earth, the ordinary people can not attain at all, even if is to fix to ten sky privates of square who have results to show, have to also experience those magma eruptions of dangerous, just probably attain here.
If this undoubtedly is again an extremely beautiful world, is carrying son, have the magic that could not see in the earth's surface world, here, have the magnificent landscape of hard imagination in the earth's surface world, person at here self-discipline, afraid is also compare in the another place to make much way some.Probably here someone living also perhaps?
This mind is in mind after starting to be suffused with, he then tries to know absolute being to release and wants to explore the another district of this world and sees to have for a sky, the private life is carrying son."Sand sand sand!"
His absolute being knew to just release and hadn't in time and cautiously felt and then heard the distance spread a difference to ring, not much, a per face the different clan person of the cold Ao, then appear in the his eye to put together.
Carry a person the air is pale, give people a kind of felling that borns a heavy disease, clearly is a big man, but the body figure is fragile, one returns be regarded as handsome and talented face up, but have a ferocious sharp tooth, that point tooth even since the corner of mouth came out, arrive in the lower lip above, give person a kind of extremely uncanny felling.
From his body inside, the Ji vast sky could not realize too strong life motion, the breathing in his body was full of corpse spirit and dead spirit, if isn't a bright his eyes pole, his returning to be this person is inside a corpse."Step!"
Don't know when rise, fire Feng and small Han 2 people have already stood to his side in the body, the small Han knits the brows to looking at that person, surprised way:"Blood clan!"The blood clan is early
In the Ji vast sky heart a surprised, full is doubt in the eye, this race he hears through 1:00, it is said that they birth would be eternal life, have endless endless life span, as long as being not killed, they can't die naturally.
The blood clan is an endless star area in one of the most ancient Gao Deng's races, have long history, have own ancient old civilization, however, but blood clan seldom and general Gao Deng race friendly intercourse, even if is dying star area in, akin clansmen also all living in some undergrounds of cloudinesses, very few in the earth's surface activity.
Akin clansmen, at die the star area is also the pronoun of strong, because they haven't only can fix by Jing for a sky, private's way, also have strange natural endowments magical power 11 strengthen himself/herself with the strong blood!
The akin superior is even if a self-discipline not, along with the extension of the life span, strength will also constantly the wax is long, and, they are naturally intelligent, the body is also more strong than general mankind, this kind of naturally has the blood clansmen of advantage, once the self-discipline private in the sky's way usually make great progress.If they have strong of blood come edible, this kind of progressive speed will sooner!
If the akin clansmen, is all whichever real strenght isn't weak, be the same as ten square skies' territories, an akin superior, can deal with the superior of two feather clans and wood clan, can deal with seven mankind's ten sky privates of square!This is a living then strong race today!
Unfortunately, they aren't the race of the strongest dead star area either, because their population is rarely seen, multiply greatly a difficulty, two akin clansmens, want to conceive a kid to come out, need thousand years at least.The west person's clan, takes a few months, feather clan and wood clan, also only need several years just.Clan.Because there is this Wei Fei"at, the akin clansmen is just hard the area becoming dying a star grow balance most strongly and seem to have no place not at."Who are you ?"This akin clansmen is cold to see 3 people, the air is cold to overflow.
He only ten square skies extremely of the territory fix for, however, while facing fire Feng, small Han, but don't show to fear at 1:00, even in, also seem to have a kind of Ao however of vehemence at in, imitate a Buddha, he can dominate dying of 3 people.
Isn't your akin territory again here, who is your taking care of us ?"The small Han humed a , way:"This center of earth world even all had no your blood clansmen here before, you were also afterwards?
"Is quite good, we didn't discover here before and carried son to have many people lived, in this self-discipline."That blood clansmen ordered to nod, way:"However, now we the blood clansmen found out here and would was us here akin forbidden ground, any person who want self-discipline here, have to be subjected to our blood clan stipulation, otherwise, the Yao immediately leaves, Yao we make moves to kill off!"
For a while, the this blood clan superior faces upward cold overflow a way:"Now, here is been responsible for by our blood clan Augustus' household, I is here of one of the tours, if you come down from the earth's surface world and please and I am 1!""Arrive where go?"The small Han seems to very have scruples about to the blood clan, strong press the wrath in the heart, not feeling not wish way.
"Went to you and know."This:"We need to know you next intention, in spite of you are to prepare to grow to reside or explore, have to get our to consent, pay enough dollar crystal to us, otherwise, you left and then went right away!"
The small Han is wrinkly eyebrows, hesitate for a while, just helplessly to fire Feng and Ji vast sky way:"Let's are a ."Obviously, the small Han still very has scruples about akin.
"I am a tour Ma Kui Si, follow me."This blood clan clansmen in brief introduced myself a , the then crazy Ao ground in place ahead leads the way and seemed to eat to settle them don't dare to escape.
Although the small Han is angrily some however, also have to honest keep up with, and secretly say to the Ji vast sky:"Endure, don't make with blood clan, these guys recognize a dead reason, they settle the next rules to absolutely allow of no anyone's breakage, once someone wants not to observe regulations, then will be seen by them as the irreconcilable enemy, deathless not body!"Ji vast sky helpless location nod, way:"It is understand."
"Here rose from the household advent of our Augustus, here woulded be our territories, before life at the self-discipline here, all did according to the rules of our Augustus' household now, so they just canned safely keep on living, if you wanted at carried son long reside, also wanted to remember press according to custom."Ma Kui's this person apathetically introduced severals in place ahead.
When he talks, the Ji vast sky discovered many different clan persons, there is feather clan of, there is wood clan of, there is also some mankind's private in the sky, they want Yao to live in tree hole in, the Yao carves megalith into room secret room and has some then directly to cross legs to sit in some river underneaths.
These people mostly all have ten square skies extremely of fixing of territory for, there are also similar to the fire Feng and small Han 12ses, have the fixing of territory of Nie Qing for, see after Ma Kui Si come over here, these people all respectully nod, air in have awe.
Private in the sky who connects the territory of Nie Qing, looking at Ma Kui Si all is respectfullly polite to respect, this lets fire Feng and small Han 2 people were notter soft to act rashly.
Ma Kui Si is all Gao Gao while treating these people at up of the cold Ao attitude be just treating the time of the superior of territory of those two Nie Qings, just tiny nod, obviously, only strong just can get his penny high regard.
His lead the way under, a hour behind, the Ji vast sky, fire Feng and small Han is 3 people, follow him to arrive at an impressive-looking ancient fortress front.
The fortress covers that thou several hundred acres of, Gao Qian Zhang, the radiant and extremely keen huge rock all using here piles up but becomes, an eye hopes to go, the fortress imitates Buddha a crystal city that thou and gleam seven rainbow light, very of beauty.
Even if is a fire Feng and small Han these 2's being different from is a chemisette woman, see this continuously send forth seven rainbow only impressive-looking thou fortress, all peep out stunning facial expression, lightly whispered 1, seem to be at dark great this ancient fortress of magnificent."Ma Kui Si, who are these 3 people ?"The fortress front in thou, moreover an akin clansmen, with call Xiong way."These are three foreigns, just came down from the earth's surface world, I took them to go through the formalities."Ma Kui Si answers.
"Foreign?"That guy facial expression is peculiar, shook to shake head, way:"Today fear is to don't go, in the five greatest elders, have three in the soundly asleep, and 1 went out, a territory that went to that ice person left, canning not go through the formalities for their 3 people is afraid,cheap beats by dre."
"You wait here and wait until elder back."Ma Kui Si is wrinkly to knit the brows, apathetically say:"Before the elder didn't come back, you where can not go, only get consenting of an elder, you just can freely act."The not yet finished treats continuously, !
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